These are historic Indian campsites and
the only evidence are the mortars or grinding holes in the rocks.

LATITUDE: N 36°36.177
LONGITUDE: W 118°04.470 Indian Mortars with Dynamite Holes
Near the Information Kiosk on Whitney Portal Road.

Dynamite Holes from above Mortars
In the summer when the Indians would move to
higher elevations, the Calvary would use dynamite to destroy the Indian
camps and mortars. (We can't actually verify this story, but have found
some some mortars with holes drilled in the stone for explosives. They
appear newer than the mortars, which could also be evidence that they
were drilled during construction of the highway)
 Indian mortars near Tuttle Creek Canyon
9"W x 7"D

There are three Indian Mortars on this rock
 Mortar near Tuttle Creek Canyon
Single Large Mortar

Same as above...

View from Mortars near Tuttle Creek

View from Indian Camp with Mortars
We have documented dozens of Indian mortars in the area.
Will be posting more photos, but not the exact location due to illegal
artifact hunters.

Pieces of old Indian Pottery
Half of an Indian Arrowhead
Most of this area has been sifted for arrowheads.
can find pieces of old Indian pottery. The story we heard was that when
the owner of the pottery died, they would be broken and the pieces
scattered about. It is rare to find complete pottery.