From Lone Pine, CA
Take Hwy.136 towards Death Valley
Keeler is 13 miles
Milage from Lone Pine, CA
Big Pine 40 miles
Bishop 54 miles
Reno, Nevada xx miles
Los Angeles, CA xx miles
Death Valley 103 miles

Underground House in Darwin, CA
Darwin is located a couple miles south of
Hwy.190 (Just west of Death Valley
National Park). It could be listed as a Ghost
Town, but people live here. There are sections
of interesting old company houses...
No photos at present time.
Hwy.136, between Lone Pine and Keeler
Classic structures and feel of a Ghost Town
It does appear that this is private property
and there is somebody living here. There is
a sign that says "Welcome to Swansea".

Space building in Cartago, CA
N 36°19.146
W 118°01.608

Olancha, CA
There are several old and abandoned buildings.
Hwy.395 at Junction of Hwy.190

Buildings near Coso Junction
N 36.05.278
W 117.57.599
(GPS opposite side of highway 395)

Buildings 36 miles south from Lone Pine.
3 miles north of Coso Rest Area on Hwy.395

Cottonwood Charcoal Kilns
N 36.24.910
W 118.00.717
Cottonwood Charcoal Kilns. From Lone Pine
take Hwy.395 south about 11.5 miles. There is
a small road marker. The charcoal kilns are to
the east about 1/4 mile.

Manzanar National Historic Site
(9 miles north of Lone Pine, CA)
N 36°43.553
W 118°08.719
Elevation 3853'
Manzanar was a Japanese Relocation Center
during World War II. It is one square mile and
was enclosed with barb wire. It housed over
11,000 internees between March 1942 and
November 1945.

Manzanar Airport
Old and overgrown with weeds

Zurich Station
LATITUDE: N 37°11.023
LONGITUDE: W 118°15.708
Elevation: 3912'
Hwy.168 about 2 miles east of Big Pine, CA
Established 1884 as a freight and passenger station
on the Carson & Colorado Railway, know locally as
"The Slim Princess", the station fell into disuse during
the 1940's and was abandoned when the Railway ceased
operation in 1960.

Zurich Station

Mass Grave of 1872 Earthquake Victims
HWY.395 north of Lone Pine, CA
LATITUDE: N 36°37.104
LONGITUDE: W 118°04.129
About 2 miles north of Lone Pine you will
see the historic marker. Park and walk about
10' up the embankment and you will see the