Road to Gates Of Lodore
It would appear that the river cut right
through the middle of the mountain,
but how could that be? Need to study
the situation...
The Gates Of Lodore is a fee area, but
just before you enter Dinosaur National
Monument there is BLM Land with
pullouts that over look the Gates Of Lodore
with some dispersed camp areas.

Dispersed camp area before Gates Of Lodore
Where we camped looked like a simple
pullout in the trees, but the road kept
going a couple hundred yards, then
goes all different directions through
the trees with camp firerings all around.
You are hidden from the main road, not
that there are a lot of cars.
For the rock hound, there are some weird
rocks. We are in kind of a sand dune area
that is littered with pebbles of all different
A humming bird flew into the car, but
only stayed a second and took off.