From Cuba, NM
Take Hwy.126 about 10 miles
Turn towards San Gregorio Lake
Dispersed camps about every 1/4 mile
Hwy.126 is paved from Cuba, NM
Mountain grades and curves
Forest roads are dirt and gravel surfaces
Roads may be impassable in bad weather
Not plowed of snow in winter months
Most vehicles possible in good weather
RVs use your own discretion
Good brakes required.
Road 70 connects Hwy.126 and Road 103
and is xx miles in length.

Hwy.26 south
From the south...
Hwy.126 is dirt surface with some sandy areas.
Passenger cars can navigate through, but there
is always a risk of getting stuck.

Hwy.126 at junction of Road 103

Hwy.126 at junction of Road 103
Know the weather forecast and be prepared.
Extreme winter conditions possible...

Natural arches on Road 103
LATITUDE: N 36°02.852
LONGITUDE: W 106°41.330
A couple miles north from junction of Road 70

Rattlesnake Skin

xx Lake
Road 15??? xx miles north???

Bill Knight Gap
Road 19 North from Prewitt, NM

Casamero Pueblo Archaeological Site
Road 19 North from Prewitt, NM

Road 19 North from Prewitt, NM

Road 19 North from Prewitt, NM