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Wilkes Spirit of the Times

(From Bell's Life, March 18.)
Fight between Tom Tyler
and Jack Sullivan, £25
a side.

_We have this week to record the proceedings relative to the match between these men, and heartily sorry are we that the affair did not terminate in a more satisfactory manner. On Tuesday, owing to the unpardonable delay that took place at Strood on the part of Sullivan's backers, two hours and a half were wasted, and to this may be attributed the reason of the contest not being amicably decided on the first day. When the expedition got under weigh it proceeded to a well-known spot, and with all dispatch the ring was formed by Fred Oliver and his assistants. Billy Duncan was as usual at his post, and had no sooner got the inner ring in order, and the privileged portion comfortably seated, than a solitary Bobby made his appearance; the combatants, who were making ready for the tourney, had to be at once taken out of the ring, and scarcely had the ropes and stakes been removed than a strong body of the rural constabulary made their unwelcome appearance, so that all had to re-embark as soon as possible. There being plenty of daylight, an attempt was made on fresh ground, but the police were too cunning. A council of war was therefore held and it was agreed that the whole of the arrangement should be left in the hands of the referee. By this functionary it was settled the men should meet the following morning at ten minutes to eight o'clock, and go by the first train to the place mentioned, and then at once have the ring pitched and get to work. When this arrangement had been made, the belligerents and their friends returned to Strood, when on landing a portion of the wooden bridge gave way, and some twenty persons, most of them "my peoplesh," got a dunking. Among these was the gallant Charley Lynch, who had a narrow squeak for it.
_ Punctual to the time named, the combatants and their backers were at the station mentioned on Wednesday morning, and no sooner had they alighted from the train than Fred Oliver made ready the ring, in order that no unnecessary time should be cut to waste. Jack Sullivan has been defeated by Charley Lynch (the American) after a gallant fight. Tom Tyler is well known in the ring, having fought several battles, which will be found duly recorded in Fistiana. The combatants were not restricted to weight, but Sullivan stated that on Monday, when he scaled he pulled down 117 1/2 lb. He is not yet out of his "teens," and is a well made compact little fellow for his inches; and although he stated himself to be well, yet it could not be doubted he was too fat. Tyler, who is nearly 30, had all the advantage in weight, length, and reach, but not withstanding this he was not the favorite in betting, the odds being on Sullivan, and when in the ring on Tuesday the men made one bet on the result, Jack laying the odds of 6 to 5. Tom had for his seconds Bos Tyler and Jack Lawley, while Jack Hicks and George Crocket waited upon Sullivan. By twenty minutes to ten o'clock all were in perfect readiness.


_ Round 1. Both stood well, the muscular development on Sullivan's chest and loins being very prominent; and from head to foot he looked a sturdy little fellow. Tyler was in good condition, and appeared brimful of confidence. Both men were cautious. Tom in attempting to lead, sprang forward on the toe, but Jack broke ground, and got to the ropes. After more maneuvering the men got together again, when Sullivan feinted to draw his man. Tom broke away. In shifting the combatants again got to the ropes; Tom tried to plant a left, but Jack got from his man. Tom, after feinting, got the left slightly on the cranium, when Sullivan broke ground. More sparring and dodging, but nothing effective done. As the lads stood eying each other Sullivan rubbed his hands and smiled, and again getting to work they got home in a pretty counter, Jack on top of the head, and Tom full on the dial. A deal more maneuvering, retreating and advancing. Tom, in leading, planted a left at the mark, and after a pause administered one with the same mawley on the nose. Sullivan rushed at his man and forced the fighting. Tom retreating to his own corner, when they closed, and Tyler got down.
_ 2. The men came up, and after a little sparring Tom planted the left prettily, full on the mazzard, and got away, Jack, who appeared slow to return, not being able to get on. After taking up fresh ground Jack opened fire, but in the exchange did not display anything like precision, hitting wild with both mawleys. Tyler with the left got well on the dial, and also made effective use of the right. In the close, both at the ropes got down.
3. On coming up Sullivan had a lump on his forehead the size of a walnut as proof Tyler had already been there. In coming from his corner Jack displayed all that sang froid for which he is so conspicuous, and on being met they at once went to work. Tom after a little sparring, went dashing at his man, but from want of precision did not get well home. On getting to distance he planted the left on the mark, when Sullivan broke. The men paused in the center of the ring, and on again getting at it, Jack pointed the toe, as though bent on mischief. Tom also weaved himself to distance, and planted a fine one-two on the jaw with the left. Tyler retreated, and the men again paused in the middle of the ring. The men after maneuvering, got within range, and countered, Sullivan getting well on the top of the knowledge-box and Tom on the right cheek. Tom, in getting away, got down, but on the instant jumped up to renew the fighting. Jack, with impetuosity, rushed his man, planted a rib-warmer on the body, and in the fall both went to the grass. Tom having all the best.
_ 4. After a little sparring Jack opened fire left and right, getting well on the side of the nob. Tom, as Jack forced the fighting, got on the dial with the left, and, in getting from his man, went down.
_ 5. No sooner had Sullivan came from his corner than he went to force the fighting; he dashed out with both mawleys, but missed. In the counter hitting he planted the left on top of the pepper-castor, and in return napped it on the right cheek. These exchanges got the men to the center of the ring, when Sullivan wanted to close, Tyler went down. There was an appeal made to the referee of foul, but no notice was taken.
6. Rapid fighting with both mawleys, all in favor of Tyler, and in the rally the combatants got to the ropes, when Tom got down on his knees. While in this position Jack, it was alleged, used the right, and an appeal of foul was made, but with no result.
_ 7. This was a fine round. Tom took the initiative, and with the left got full on the physiognomy. As he broke Jack followed, when he again received some left-handed powder on the dial. Sullivan was not to be denied, for, finding himself outgeneraled at points, he dashed to in-fighting, and in a magnificent rally, in which both men used the right and left alternating, they fought round the ring. Jack, in breaking from his opponent, slipped down on his hands and knees.
_ 8. Sullivan came rattling up, and went into Tom's corner to force the fighting, when, after a slight exchange, Tom broke and took up fresh ground. Cautious sparring, and as the stood in the center of the ring the crimson was flowing from Jack's smeller, although the event was not claimed for Tyler by his seconds. The combatants, after being here and there round the ring, paused in the center. Jack now tried to plant the left on the head, but Tom got out of measure. More maneuvering round the ring, Sullivan hitting wildly left and right. As Tom retreated Jack followed, and after some pretty exchanges they closed. In the short-arm hitting Tom got well over the os frontis, and in the fall both went down, Tom having all the best of it. Forty-five minutes had now elapsed.
_ 9. As Sullivan came up he pulled himself together, and with characteristic resolution, faced his man. Tom, with the left, planted another beautiful one on the damaged peeper, and got well away. Sullivan followed up, and swung out the right with tremendous force, but was too round. In a rally they fought to a close, when Jack went down on his hands and knees.
_ 10. After maneuvering here and there, and dodging round the ring. Tom let fly the left, and got home on the mouth. Jack, finding it useless to outfight, rushed at his man, and in the exchanges both got home on the head with the left. At the ropes they closed, when Tom put on the crook, and Sullivan being in great difficulties, struggled to break. Tom near the ropes, held the top one, but in shifting Tyler got on them, and in falling, Jack, who had all the worst of the bout, fell on him.
_ 11. Both came up simultaneously, Tyler being a little too flashy in action. After feinting and weaving to distances, Tyler planted full on the nose, from which there was another supply of the ruby. Again they went to work Tom, as his opponent advanced, retreating round the ring. At last Tom, in getting to distance, planted a left on the nose. Jack, who hit out wildly, rushed at his man, and in the close they struggled, Tom, who gave the back heel, having the best of the fall.
_ 12. Both came cheerfully from their corners, when Sullivan tried to open the ball, but as Tom broke, could not weave to distance. As they shifted position Jack slipped, but recovered on the instant, and led left, which was well stopped. Tyler got home the left in the middle of the head, but in again attempting to repeat the dose was not up to the mark. In breaking, the men got to the ropes, when Sullivan led the left, but was not there. Tom, in return, administered the right on the head. Jack dashed at him, and just missed planting another rattler from the right side of the head. At the ropes Tyler administered a left-hander on the chin. Sullivan, in following his man up, got home left and right on the head; this was succeeded by some more pretty exchanges. On shifting position, the combatants again went to work; rapid counters with the left, all in favor of Tom, at the ropes, Sullivan bleeding, and after some more exchanges they closed, jack in the half arm administered twice on the body, and in the fall both down at the ropes.
_ 13. In the exchanges Tom got full on the head, Jack, who, however, hit round, being by no means idle. As Tom broke, Sullivan advanced, and missed investing another fine right hander on the cranium. After a slight pause they again went at it, and in a fine, manly manner, fought with both mawleys round the ring to the ropes, when in the close Tyler went down on his knees.
_ 14. Sullivan, who forced the fighting, planted the right on the ribs. Tyler, in breaking, got to the ropes, when Jack, in hitting out, missed the right, and nearly hit the stake. As Tom shifted, Jack followed, and after some more exchanges in favor of Tyler, they closed. Tom tried the back heel, and the men fell in the center of the ring.
_ 15. Sullivan went to his man in his corner, and, after left-handed exchanges, in which Tyler got home effectively on the mug, they closed, when in the struggle Jack, in extricating himself, went down, and Tom also fell in the middle of the ring.
_ 16. Sullivan dashed at his man, and after some heavy exchanges, in which both got home, Tom on the right cheek and left peeper, they closed at the ropes, when Tom went down. While down, it is alleged he pulled Jack's snout, but nothing of the kind was witnessed by the referee, who had his eye off the men on the finish of the round.
_ 17. Sullivan rushed at his man, and planted on the head with force. Tom, in shifting, went down, but on the instant he was again on his pins, and resumed the battle. Bos Tyler at this moment crossed the men in a most improper manner. No sooner had Tyler recovered his perpendicular than at it they went with a will. Tremendous milling with both hands round the ring, in favor of Tyler, who planted heavily in the middle of the head, and in the close Tom went down.
_ 18. Sullivan dashed at his man. Tyler on the ropes, and in a ticklish position, being partly down with one knee on mother earth and after a severe struggle, in which both pegged away merrily, they went to grass.
19. Sullivan, making the fighting, rushed at his man with his head bent forward in a most unartistic manner. Tom met the rush with a left-handed tile-popper. As Tom broke, Jack followed round the ring, and after some more exchanges, got the right round Tyler's neck, who got away and went down.
_ 20. Tyler home with the left on the head, and Jack came dashing at him he slipped and went down. On the instant he recovered his equilibrium and renewed the fighting, and in a rally they fought to Tom's corner, when Tyler went down.
_ 21. Sullivan dashed at his man to force the fighting, and after some exchanges Tom, in retreating, slipped down. On the instant he was again on his plus, and after some more exchanges they closed and fell forward on their faces.
_ We have thus far given a detailed description of the contest, but so similar were the remainder of the rounds, and so completely one-sided was the battle, that it would be superfluous to attempt to give any lengthened account of the contest. Tyler, from the commencement of the hostilities, proved the better out-fighter and tactician, and this enabled him from the first to be very busy about the nob of his indomitable opponent, than whom a gamer man never entered the ring, although instead of having improved since he met Lynch, he appeared to have got slower. As the contest progressed, Sullivan, who was heavily punished about the head, appeared to be at a loss what to be at, and Hicks had repeatedly to whisper to him not to attempt out fighting, but to go in and make use of both mawleys. Willing to do his utmost, Sullivan at once responded, and although the tide of battle had now set, irrevocably against him, still the brave fellow was anxious to do all that a game man could to turn it in his favor. It was, however, not possible for him to gain any permanent advantage, for although there were one or two momentary fluctuations, still the hope they infused among his partisans was but transitory. As drowning men will catch at straws, so the appeals on the part of Sullivan towards the close of the battle became the more frequent, the seconds of Jack trying their utmost in this critical state of affairs to snatch a verdict. The referee, seeing what was intended, twice went to Tyler's corner to tell him to be cautious and not throw away a chance. In the whole, 58 rounds were fought, and in the last ten or twelve of these so hopeless did Jack's chance of success appear, and so hopeless in reality was it, that many of his own friends cried "Take him away." Gillam, who had worked like a trojan for him, advised his backers to let this be done, and both Hicks and Crockett informed the referee that Sullivan would not allow them to give in for him.
_ Two rounds before the unwelcome appearance of the police, one of Jack's Israelitish backers threw up the sponge in a token of defeat, but Jack, although terribly punished about the head, exclaimed, "You shall not give in for me," and on the instant dashed at his man to renew the hopeless struggle. For several rounds there appeared to be something the matter with his right leg, for it was as stiff as though he could not bend it, and nothing but the indomitable pluck of this brave fellow enabled him to meet his clever antagonist. Had the battle been allowed to progress, it could not, under any circumstances, have lasted many more rounds. On the termination of the 58th and last round, however, the battle having lasted two hours and fifty minutes, the police came on the ground, when hostilities had to be suspended, and on leaving the ring Jack, as proof that he was not physically weak, although so punished, ran along the embankment. There still being plenty of time, the referee had to make a selection of fresh ground to recommence hostilities the same day if possible. The spot having been chosen, the referee went to inform Oliver and the men of his intentions. He found that although Tyler and his friends were close at hand, Sullivan had been taken across the water, and proceeded personally to inform the gallant Jack that he intended the ropes and stakes to be again pitched, and that he should expect him to come at once and follow. Sullivan said, "I'm ready to fight, sir;" and so far as his pluck, there could be no question about his willingness, but that he was fit is quite another question. To the jetty he was followed by his Israelitish friends, and a policeman. On the pier a scene of great confusion arose between the respective backers
of the men, mingled with cries of "Fight on Saturday." The referee, being desirous to fulfill his duties in an impartial manner, ordered Sullivan to get in the boat, when the policeman came forward and stated that if he (Sullivan) was going to commit a breach of the peace he would take him into custody. Again the referee ordered Sullivan to the boat, when the policeman jumped into on of the many alongside of the pier, and said that he would follow the men wherever they went.
_ A scene of indescribable confusion now took place between the backers and partisans of the men, Tyler's party being vehement in their assertions that on the part of Sullivan's friends undue influence had been used with the police. The referee, by the backers of Tyler, was called to award the stakes to Tom on the plea that the police had been caused to interfere by improper means; and because that functionary did not do so he go shamefully abused. The referee then ordered the men to meet the following day, when, after a stormy discussion, in which Bos Tyler (not Tom) used most insulting language, and otherwise misconducted himself, not only to the referee but also to other gentlemen present, the referee ordered the men to meet on Saturday. Subsequently, however, a meeting took place, at which Mr. Lipman, the chief backer of Sullivan, agreed to give Tyler £5 to postpone the match until Monday, April 9, when they are to fight according to the original articles. Tyler was by no means heavily punished, although his hands were much puffed, and had it not been for their tender condition, there can, we think, be little doubt he would have been able to have given his opponent the coup de grace before the police made their unwelcome appearance, as the punishment he kept administering towards the close of the battle would have been much more

_J. Mace, of Norwich, is most anxious to have another shy at his old opponent, Bob Brettle, for £100 a side. Mace not feeling satisfied with the last result, trust Brettle will give him the chance to reverse the last verdict, at 147 lb., or catch-weight, or by any one else who may fancy him. Mace will take his benefit at the Baronial Hall, West End Retreat, Norwich tomorrow (Monday). Hicks and Haley, of London, will attend, and the wind up between Mace and Travers, who will fight their battle over again. Jem Mace's benefit, at the Apollo Music Hall, on Tuesday evening, realized the handsome sum of £47.

_ BRETTLE AND MACE Mr. Editor: I had hoped that my fighting career was over, and that I never should again have to reply to a challenge; but as Mr. Mace is not satisfied with his last encounter with me, and has thought fit to challenge me or any man at 147 lb., for £100, and has mentioned my name in particular, I beg to inform him that I will meet him at your office any day he may name, and make a match for £100 a side, to fight at what weight and time he may please to name; if he does not mean business, but bouncing, I hope he will not challenge me again.

Wilkes Spirit of the Times

Tom Sayers and Heenan

Wilkes Spirit of the Times

Wilkes Spirit of the Times
APRIL 7, 1860


Fight between Tom Tyler and Jack Sullivan
Historic boxing newspapers and articles.