Petroglyphs used for target practice. That is
when they're not removing the petroglyphs
to sell on the Black Market. (Photo from
Fish Slough Petroglyphs)

Removal of Petroglyphs... see saw blade marks.
(Photo from Red Canyon Petroglyphs)
From Bishop, CA
Take Hwy.6 north about 1.5 miles
Turn left on Five Bridges Road
Take Five Bridges about 2 miles
Turn right on Fish Slough Road
Fish Slough Petroglyph Site about 7 1/2 miles
Continue north on Fish Slough Road
and there are more Petroglyph Sites.
Starting at Red Canyon Petroglyphs and heading
south on Fish Slough Road
From Bishop, CA
Take Highway 6 to Milepost#19
Turn on Chidago Canyon Road / Road#3S53
Red Canyon Petroglyphs are 3.5 miles
You will see them on the left. There is a parking
area with trails around the rock formations.
Keep going south on Fish Slough Road...
Personal hand drawn map
Maintained dirt roads with wash boards.
There are some sandy areas.
Stay on the main roads

Trees and Desert Aggregates near the junction
of Five Bridges Road and Fish Slough Road

Fish Slough Road is paved a short distance
Photo at junction of Five Bridges Road.
Summer temperatures over 100 degrees
Be prepared and carry plenty of water.