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(2nd Report)
John L. Sullivan and Jake Kilrain in
last bare knuckles boxing match

The Heavy Losers and Those Who
Won Their Stuff

An Omaha Man Said to Have Gath-
ered in Fifteen Thousand Dol-
lars - Rumor that Kilrain
Died This Morning
Much Money Changed Hands

New York, July 10. - [Special Telegram to
The Bee.] - The atmosphere was hot here
yesterday and last evening, but Sullivan
enthusiasm was hotter. It permented the
entire city. In sporting circles the Sullivan
fever was unbounded, and scarcely a man
could be found who didn't say: "I knew it
all the time." The interest in the great
prize fight was nearly as intense as it was on
Monday. Sullivan's colors were everywhere
about the city, and at almost all the picture
stores the windows were filled with his por-
traits in all positions and every shade. One
dealer estimated that more than five thou-
sand pictures of the champion of the prize
ring had been sold in this city and Brooklyn
since the news of his victory came on Mon-
day evening. Poor Kilrain was almost for-
gotten and no one had much to say about
him, except to glory in the fact that they
had prophesied his defeat right along.
How much money changed hands on the
result, will of coarse, never be known. Sul-
livan takes the stakes of $20,000. His half
of this, $10,000, was put up by Muldoon,
Johnson and Wakely, and in the ordinary
coarse of events is to be returned to them.
Their profits on the speculation are repre-
sented by bets they have won. Sullivan is a
clear gainer in the stake money by $10,000:
takes 60 per cent of the gate receipts, and
this would yeild him another $10,000 net; he
bet $1,000 with Kilrain in the ring, and his
outside bets are estimated at $5,000. His re-
ceipts are therefore about $26,000, and from
this is to be deducted the expenses of train-
ing, hotel bills, traveling expenses, and inci-
dentals. Placing these items at the top
figure of $4,000, there remains a balance of
$22,000 which the Boston boy has to his
credit, just because he won "Fox's dog col-
lar," and $5,000 for the value of the "dog
collar," and John L. is in $27,000.
Richard K. Fox loses heavily. He is out
the $10,000 stakes, which he put up person-
ally; the belt, which it is said cost $5,000,
and about $5,000 which he advanced for the
expenses of his agents in Canada when the
match was made and recently in Baltimore
and New Orleans. It was he who put up the
$1,000 which Kilrain bet in the ring, and it is
understood also that he paid Kilrain's train-
ing expenses, beside paying a salary to
Charley Mitchell and Mike Donovan for the
past three months. A moderate estimate of
his loses places the figures at $25,000.
It is estimated that $500,000 changed
hands on the fight. Sullivan was the favor-
ite in the stock exchange, where his backers
won about $10,000. There was big money
waged in the Consolidated exchange. Gus
Tuthill and Billy Smith won heavily. Arthur
Lumley is in $6,000 on the fight. Ed Roth-
ery, of Omaha, who is in the city, won

Sullivan Leaves New Orleans

NEW ORLEANS, July 10. - Quite a crowd
assembled around the steamship Hudson this
morning to see John L. Sullivan and party
off, as it was believed he would take passage
for New York. It appeared, however, when
application was made for six berths to ac-
commodate the party that only four could be
obtained. It was decided not to take
these and they entered into nego-
tiations with the passenger agent
for the Southern Pacific line. The party
evidently intended to avoid going through
the state of Mississippi, where it was feared
an arrest would be made, and it was deter-
mined to go through Texas. At 10:40 the
Sullivan party got into a carriage and
drove off, their baggage having
been sent to the Southern Pacific
depot a few hours before. When Sullivan
left his boarding house, his face still be-
trayed the marks of Kilrains punishment.
The party will doubtless proceed to Houston
and thence to Boston via St. Louis.

Jake Wants Another Go

NEW ORLEANS, July 10. - [Special Telegram
to The Bee.] - On the train last evening
Charlie Mitchell indignantly repudiated the
assertion that he did not want Kilrain to
win, and that he had not trained him prop-
erly. He said: "Before the fight I would
have staked my life on him, so confident was
I that he could win. The battle was fairly
fought, and Jake was not a match for Sulli-
van. He was beaten on his merits."
Kilrain is not staisfied with the result of
the fight, and believes that he was not fit.
He says he wants another go at Sullivan, and
will issue another challenge a month hence
to fight him for $20,000 a side.

Probably Only a Lie

NEW ORLEANS, July 10. - [Special Telegram
to The Bee.] - A special from the St.
Louis Post - Dispatch says Kilrain died on a
special on the Iron Mountalu Road near that
city at 10:26 a.m.

TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1889

Historic boxing newspapers and articles.