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Former champion Says He Is
Through - Could Not
Whip Johnson

_ Los Angeles, Cal., July 9. - James J.
Jeffries submitted today to his first
interview since the fight at Reno. So
persistent were the demands for an
expression of opinion from the de-
feated pugilist that his friends let
down the bars and allowed newspaper
men to see the ex-champion. The
first question asked him was whether
it was true that he wanted another
fight with Jack Johnson.
_ "No, I'm through fighting," he said,
mumbling. "I fought once too often
as it was and I guess they'll let me
alone after this. I might have
beaten Johnson six or seven years
ago but I don't believe I ever could
again. That's all there is to it. I
don't want to fight Johnson or anyone
else again."
_ The interviewers were warned by
Jack Kipper, his partner, to expect a
much bruised man, though Kipper said
he was greatly improved today.
_ "This is the first day since the fight
that Jack would speak to any of us,
even his wife," said Kipper.
_ But Jeffries is in bad condition men-
tally as well as physically. He hesi-
tated in his speech and stopped in the
middle of sentences as if hunting for
his thoughts. His face is still puffed
abnormally and he hears with diffi-
culty. At times he gives up without
even trying to finish his sentences.

_ _ _ Jeff Not Doped

_ "How about the story that you
were doped, Jim?" he was asked.
"Nothing to it. I wasn't doped.
No one could have doped me. Some-
one said that the dope was rubbed into
me. But that isn't so. Not a man in
my camp would have done anything to
injure my chances under any conditions.
They all lost about their money on
me. All my friends lost all their
_ "The trouble with me was that I
was broken down nervously and didn't
know it. I guess it had been coming
on for about a week, but I thought
I was as good as I ever was - I thought
I could beat Johnson even when I
entered the ring. But I couldn't get
into action at all. I guess I'm too
old to fight any more."
_ Jeff said the above hesitatingly,
shaking his head at times like an old
man. When asked about Rickard's
statement that he had the fighters
signed to contracts two days before
the bids were opened, he flared up and
said: "What has that got to do with
it? You got your fight, didn't you?"
_ Again he was asked about John-
son's statement that he was offered
huge sums to throw the fight. "Why
should I ask Johnson to throw the
fight? I felt as sure as that I was
alive that I could whip him. I don't
believe there is anything in it."

_ _ _ Had Nervous Breakdown

_ Kipper and Jack Jeffries, his broth-
er, both said today that they believed
that Jim had been doped in some way.
_ "I'm not sore about losing my
money," said Jack, "but something
more than stage fright was the matter
with Jim when he entered the ring. I
don't believe any one in the camp
would do it and I don't see how any
outsider could have got at him."
_ "Jim was on the verge of nervous
breakdown," said Kipper. "He may
have been doped but the thought that
all of his friends had bet on him and
fear that he might not have come back
as he thought he had, cost him the
_ Sam Berger is the only person who
is trying to get Jim back in the ring.
He says Jeff is sure he can whip the
negro, but Jeff himself absolutely de-
nies that.

Experts Say Jeffries Was Not a Nervous Wreck;
Was Merely Semblance of Man of Ten Years Ago

Minneapolis Specialist Examine Photograph By Which New York Doctors Decided
That Jeff Was Suffering From an Attack of Traumatic Neurasthenia
And Say They Can See No Trace of Such Trouble - Say
Muscle Had Been Converted Into Fat

James Jeffries in the Ring

The photo by which New York experts declared Jeff to be suffering from a serious
nervous ailment

_ FRIDAY, when the fight pictures
reached New York from Reno,
some of those who had gone so
far afield in selecting Jeffries as the
sure winner, were struck by the awk-
ward pose of Jeffries as he was being
introduced to the crowd by Announcer
Jordan. The pictures were immediate-
ly submitted to specialists.
_ Some of these medical and physical
sharps declared - or were quoted as hav-
ing declared - that the pictures showed
Jeffries to be suffering from "trauma-
tic neurasthenia," a nervous ailment,
and the symptoms were given as fol-
_ _ "The patient is incapable of
_ concentrating his attention to any
_ subject requiring his careful
_ thought.
_ _ "The emotions of fear and ap-
_ prehension are exaggerated.
_ _ "Acute dyspepsia is frequently
_ noted.
_ _ "The patient is capable of per-
_ forming all movements, but they
_ are executed in impulsive way with
_ little force.
_ _ "The heart action is irregu-
_ lar.
_ The same photograph, reproduced in
connection with this story, was sub-
mitted yesterday to some of the lead-
ing specialists in nervous disorders in
Minneapolis, and they do not agree
with the quoted opinions of their New
York brethren so far as such a vague
diagnosis as a photograph permits.
None of them cared to allow their
names to be used in connection with the
affair in any way, but here is the way
they analyzed the photograph - and also
told why Jeff made such a sorry show-
_ _ "Jeffries looks to me like a
_ spoiled child, who had trained just
_ as he pleased. without regard to in-
_ structions," said one prominent
_ nerve specialist.
_ _ "He looks like a man over
_ trained, whose muscles were infil-
_ trated with fat, which would make
_ it impossible for him 'to come
_ back, as the expression goes.
_ _ "When a man over trains his
_ muscles become hypertrophied, or
_ enlarged. Then when he stops
_ training for some time, like Jeffries
_ did, the over plus of muscle becomes
_ fat, and he can't train back.
_ _ "That is the trouble with train-
_ ing young men with pliable mus-
_ cles for the football game. Their
_ hearts become enlarged, and when
_ they quit training the excess mus-
_ cle turns to fat. If they go into
_ training again one game of foot-
_ ball will play their hearts out.
_ _ "I see no special signs of neu-
_ rasthenia, although that spread of
_ his legs as he stands is fearful."

Farmer Burns Doubts That
Jeffries Was Victim of Dope

_ Omaha, Neb., July 9. - "Jeffries may have been doped, I don't
know. But his heart sure went back on him."
_ This is what Farmer Burns, the wrestler, said tonight on his re-
turn to Omaha from the Reno fight. "I can't say what was the
matter with Jim, but it sure was something bad. He may have been
scared to death; overtraining may have affected his heart; but in
the dressing room before the fight, his hands and feet were cold,
and he acted sleepy - had no life about him.
_ "I couldn't say for sure that he was actually doped, but it looked
funny. And then it would have been hard for anything like that
to have happened, for his quarters and food were all carefully
_ "But he stayed in a half-dazed mental condition for a day and
a half after the fight. That's why it looks funny."


_ San Francisco, July 9. - Tex Rickard
will go to Los Angeles early next week
to make a tentative arrangement for
another meeting between James J. Jef-
fries and Jack Johnson. He announced
tonight that he would talk with Jef-
fries over his plan for a fight and if
the former champion is in earnest, will
try to sign him with the big negro for
a second scrap. The battle will be
staged either at Reno or at another
city, which Rickard refuses to name,
but which he says is in the United States.
_ Rickard's decision to endeavor to
promote a record go between the men
was reached after he had been shown
the interview by Jeffries, in which he
said he had been thinking of another
battle and might decide in a very few
days to go after Johnson for a return
engagement. "If Jeff is sincere in his
desire to fight Johnson again, and if
I can sign him and the negro, I cer-
tainly would be glad to promote anoth-
er battle between the men," said Rick-
ard tonight.
_ "Jeffries should be given a chance
to redeem himself. In all fairness to
him he should be given another chance
at the negro again. the match would
be a good drawing card and I will be
able to agree early next week whether
I shall have the opportunity to put
it on.
_ "Johnson's intimation that the talk
of another match is for the purpose of
advertising a world tour of the former
champion is nonsense. If Jeffries means
to fight the negro he must begin train-
ing at once and the battle must be
held within a short time."

_ _ No Tour for Jeff

_ Rickard declared that Jeffries could
not afford to postpone his re-entrance
to the ring long, and added that the
white man would have to forgo the
world tour if he re-entered the ring.
_ "Honestly, I don't think that Jef-
fries will ever make a tour of the
world," continued Rickard, "except,
perhaps, as a private citizen. It is
certain that he is not the drawing card
he was prior to the July 4 fight and a
world tour might not prove a money-
maker. "However, if he enters the
ring and defeats the black, that is an-
other question."
_ The promoter added that he did not
think Jeffries would be willing to fight
Johnson outside of America, but should
the fighters be willing to go to London
or Australia, some other promoter
would have to look after the match.


Match With Jeffries on Labor
Day Agreeable to

_ Chicago, July 9. - Replying to James J.
Jeffries alleged announcement that he
intended to issue a challenge for a return
match for the championship of the
world, Jack Johnson tonight said he
would be ready to fight the Californian
Labor day, "providing the proper in-
ducements were offered," and pre-
dicted Jeffries would fight harder next
_ Johnson intimated that he would set
his mark high and that he would not
fight again unless a good sized purse
was offered, but evidently believed
that there would be no difficulty on
that score. While he expressed some
doubt as to Jeffries' sincerity in desir-
ing another match, Johnson said that
he believed one would prove a good
drawing card, despite the "poo show-
ing made on July 4 by Mr. Jeffries."
_ "I haven't really broken training,"
declared Jack, although I have been
eating heartily and taking an oc-
casional glass of beer. I can get back
into fighting trim at a moment's notice
and nothing would please me more than
to do it. If I do fight Jeffries again, I
will whip him worse than I did the
last time, but I predict that he will do
more fighting than he did at Reno. I
do not believe he fought as well as he
might have. I think he was scared.
But if he had fought his hardest, he
would have been no match for me."

_ _ Discuss Details Later

_ Jack said he would discuss his ar-
rangements regarding a side bet and
purse when Jeffries issued his formal
_ Jeffries announced his intention of
seeking a return match with the negro
in an interview given at Los Angeles
this afternoon.
_ "I expect to fight Johnson again
within six months," the big fellow
is reported as having said. He
explained that he had not said
anything before because he had felt
so badly over his poor showing at
Reno. He said he had gone stale by
training too long for the July 4 fight
and that he would not enter the ring in
that condition again. He expressed
confidence of being able to win from
Johnson and declared that he would
issue a formal statement within a short
_ Johnson shipped his racing car to
New York this evening and will start
there himself tomorrow afternoon at
3:45 o'clock.

Those Close to Jeffries Say Return
Match Is Logical Thing

_ Los Angeles, Cal., July 9. - Jim Jef-
fries' alleged announcement that he may
seek a return match with Jack Johnson
was no surprise to his friends here. If he
does get a return match he will carry
another bunch of Los Angeles money.
While the big fellow has made no state-
ment for publication, except that given
today, it has been reported that he ad-
mitted to his friends that he was
whipped before he entered the ring and
not by Johnson.
_ Through Jack Kipper, Jeffries' busi-
ness partner, it was learned today that
the big fellow has been hurt deeply by
the accusation that he showed a yellow
streak. it is because of the adverse
comment that has been launched and
his desire to avoid an appearance of
making excuses, that Jeffries has de-
clined to make any explanation of the
mysterious change in his form on the
eve of the battle. His seconds say,
however, that he was a victim of con-
ditions which made a postponement of
the fight for a few days impossible, and
therefore he went in the ring and
fought knowing that he had been
thrown out of condition in the last
hours of his training, only his game-
ness and courage were unimpaired.

Promoter Does Not See Reason to Bid
for Another Battle

_ Los Angeles, Cal., July 9. - "They
called me a cheap faker when I went
after the first Johnson-Jeffries match,
and should the men decide to come to-
gether again, I will make no effort to
get the fight," was promoter Tom Mc-
Carry's emphatic statement today when
told that Jeffries might consider an-
other match with the negro, and that
Johnson had expressed his willingness
to meet Jeffries whenever any induce-
ments were offered.
_ "Nothing in the world could induce
me to bid for such a fight," McCarry
continued. "It might be arranged by
Rickard as the first one was - I won't
pass on that - but the world knows
what kind of deal I got when I bid
for the first fight and I will keep my
hands off of another."
_ When asked his opinion of the
chances of another match, he said:
_ "They have fought once, why should
they not fight again? If Jeffries is not
satisfied with the last meeting, they
have a right to fight it over."

Former Title Holder Says Jonson Has
Promised Him Return Battle

_ Portland, Ore., July 9. - Tommy
Burns declared tonight that he is the
next man whom Jack Johnson will fight
for the championship. Burns left to-
night for Seattle, where his wife awaits
him. Shortly after he reached Portland
from Reno, where he witnessed Jeffries'
defeat, Burns called the local newspa-
per men together and said:
_ "Just after the fight, Johnson gave
me his promise that I would be the
next man with whom he would fight.
Jack told me he thought it no more
than fair that I should get a return
engagement because he never would
have won the belt had I not fought
him - and lost."
_ According to Burns, the match will
be pulled off in London, and that Mc-
Intosh, the Australian promoter, will
stage the battle.

Would Not Give Over $30,000 for Next
Jeffries-Johnson Mill

_ San Francisco, July 9. - Louis Blot,
whose attempt to stage a fight here
caused Governor Gillett to order out the
state militia, said he would bid for an-
other Jeffries-Johnson fight, but that
the match would only be worth $30,000
_ "I don't think any promoter would
give another $101,000 purse for Jef-
fries and Johnson," said Blot, "and
then again, it is a question whether the
public would stand for a second fight."


_ Chicago, July 9. - Jack Johnson's
for alderman in the third ward became
a matter of serious consideration to-
night when Colonel Foreman, who now
holds that office, recognized the cham-
pion as an opponent by discussing the
pugilists chances for election. The
colonel said that he had not yet de-
cided whether he would run for re-
election but admitted the possibility
of Johnson making a strong race.
_ Colored friends of Johnson, however,
are not so sure that his showing would
be as good in the political arena as it
was in the prize ring. "Jack has got
a bad case of 'swelled head," said
one of the dusky brethren, "and that
won't go with 'we all.' He has been
to busy entertaining some of his rich
friends since he got home from Reno
and forgetting us old fellows who knew
him when he was a pickaninny - but
we've got a vote and may use it in a
way he doesn't expect, if he doesn't
come down off his high horse."


Former Manager of Johnson Says
He Will Stir Up

_ Chicago, July 9. - George Little, for-
mer manager of Jack Johnson, and
whom the latter accused of offering
him $100,000 to let Jeffries win the big
fight in the eight round, is expected to
return to Chicago tomorrow. A stormy
meeting of the two men is predicted.
_ Little's friends say the former man-
ager will go direct to the champion's
home and either make him retract some
of the statements or else make public
the entire story of his relations with
Johnson since he took up the reins of
management shortly after the return of
Johnson from Australia, Those who
defended the deposed manager declare
they have information from reliable
sources that Johnson was the first to
bring up the subject of throwing the
fight and asked Little to find out how
much there would be in it.

_ _ Johnson Not Worried

_ Johnson simply smiled and expressed
the wish that Little would reach town
before he left. "I will stand pat on
every statement I have made," Johnson
said. "Further than this, if Little
wants to stir up any trouble, I will
make things a little hotter than he
thinks I can. There is a lot more to
the story of our split that has not been
printed, and if he starts to abuse me
through the press I will divulge the
whole thing.
_ "For his sake I kept the story se-
cret on the coast and in Reno, for I
was afraid the authorities might run
him out of town or try to prosecute
him for trying to perpetrate a coup on
the public. I firmly believe the poison
which was given to my friend George
Sutton was meant for me, and it was
only a miracle that I did not get it in
my food. I have paid him every cent
I owe him and a little more, and I am
through with him forever."


By United Press.
_ New York, July 9. - "The first mov-
ing pictures of the Jeffries-Johnson
fight," were shown in New York to-
night and they almost caused a riot.
The $500,000 films were exhibited on the
American roof garden, one of the
largest summer amusement places in
the city.
_ They proved to be a palpable fake,
and the 3,000 persons who jammed the
garden to the doors threatened all man-
ner of dire things because they did not
get their money back.
_ The theater had advertised the pic-
tures extensively. When the matinee
was over the management announced
that the developing of the films, rushed
here on special trains, had not been
concluded and that the pictures would
go on exhibition at 6:30 p.m. if the
audience would wait? It would.
_ At 6:30 p.m. all was expectancy. A
small boy rushed in with the films.
The stage manager announced that the
managers had not seen the pictures,
but hoped the audience would be
pleased at the enterprise in getting the
films so quickly.
_ The "fight" started. A 135-pound
Jeffries danced through the crowd of
"props" around the camp ring and
vaulted over the ropes. He was fol-
lowed by a diminutive Johnson, clad
in a white towel. They shook hands
and hit each other once. En mass the
audience yelled "fake," and the mov-
ing pictures stopped. The stage man-
ager announced that the management
had been tricked. The moving pictures
have not been fully developed, and it is
expected that they will not be ready
for exhibition until the middle of next

Will Fight Burns or Langford or Go on
European Tour

_ Chicago, July 9. - Stanley Ketchel, in
Chicago, on his way east with his man-
ager, Miesner Wilson, said he expected
to take on Tommy Burns in a short
fight. He is now negotiating with
Burns. Ketchel said he would fight
Langford if a suitable place could be
found for the meeting. He is also con-
sidering going to Europe with Hugh
McIntosh, the Australian promoter.

Minneapolis Journal 1910

Historic boxing newspapers and articles.