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You will enjoy reading these historic
and articles. Some of the
greatest boxing events
from the 1800's
through modern history.

England, Mar. 13, 1790.

On Wndnesday last the two rival Champions, Ja-
combs and Payne, met by Agreement at Stoke Gold-
ing, near Coventry, and after making good their re-
spective Deposits, adjourned to a Field near the above
Place, where a Stage was erected, when a terrible
hard-fought Battle ensued, in which Strength and
Resolution were as much shown as in any Combat of
the Kind ever remembered; but after a very hard
Engagement, which lasted upwards of two Hours,
and consisted of ninety-five Rounds, Jacombs was
obliged to give in. Jacombs was the Favourite at
betting to; but his Conduct, during the Battle, came
very far behind the cool and manly Behaviour of
Payne; as it is evident he placed more Dependence
in throwing his Antagonist on the Railing, and such
brutal Shifts, than in fair and open Fighting. They
were both struck off the Stage several Times, during
the Battle, but caught by the Spectators, who were
exceedingly numerous.

After the Battle was decided, another commenced,
between two much less Men, Kirby and Towe, which
was also agreed on before; and, after a very spirited
and skillful Contest, was won by one decisive Blow
given by the former.

A Battle was fought on Monday between a Brent-
ford and a Hounslow Man for Twenty Guineas.
Johnson was Second to the former; Ward to the
latter. The former gained the Victory, which he
would hardly have done, had not his Antagonist
wanted an Eye, which was against him

Historic boxing newspapers and articles.