You will enjoy reading these historic
newspapers and
articles. Some of the
greatest boxing events from the 1800's
through modern
Virtually Wipes Out Huge
Willard in One Round
Knocked Down Five Times In
First Round; Hangs on Ropes
Dempsey, Believing Victory His,
Leaves Ring, to Be Called
Back for Two Rounds
_ Toledo,
Ohio, July 4.- By virtue of
one of the most speediest and most one-
sided battles which ever decided a big
fistic event. Jack Dempsey, who may
now wish to be known by his full
voting name of William Harrison
Dempsey, today became the world's
champion heavyweight boxer.
_ To
all intents and purposes, he
wiped out the huge Jess Willard, fa-
vorite in the meager betting, in one
round. Dempsey thought the referee
had announced him winner and ac-
tually left the ring. But he was call-
ed back and the butchery continued
for two rounds more when Jess, sitting
in his corner, with a bewildered look
on his swollen countenance failed to
respond to the gong for the fourth
_ "It
was of no use to continue," said the
ex-champion. "My strength went
from me in the first round."
Willard Dazed
_ He
sat there, apparently the most
surprised man in the United States at
the moment. His right eye was closed
and his ditto cheek swollen and blue
with bruises. Blood covered his body
and his arms hung so helplessly over
the ropes that it seemed as if a child
might hive him further abuse without
arousing his interest.
_ Dempsey
was breathing hard when
the fight ended, but it was from exer-
tion and not from punishment. He
escaped almost unhurt, but as he had
been using his arms like trip hammers
on the anatomy of his opponent for
nine crowded minutes in a sun that
sent the thermometer to 110 degrees,
his heart was still pumping at the high
pressure and he appreciated the
breathing spell.
_ In
the first few seconds of the con-
test it looked as if the experts who
had been assigned to keep detailed
account of all the blows struck might
come measurably close to doing so,
but it was only for a fraction of a mo-
ment. After that, the experts did
well to count Jack's blows, let alone
take note how each was made. The
challenger knocked the big fellow
down five times in the first round
and had him hanging helplessly on
the ropes or draped over his own
shoulders most of the time when he
was not taking advantage of the
Thought Fight Was Over.
_ The
crowd thought the fight was
over in that round. Willard was down
for the seventh time and the count
was apparently about to end when the
gong sounded. It was a modest gong
which could not make itself heard be-
fore so many people, and even Demp-
sey did not get it. He crawled through
the ropes and was headed out on to
the shoulders of screaming fans when
the truth was broken to him, and he
was hauled back.
_ Such
fighting as the Kansas ranch-
man produced was placed on exhibi-
tion at the onset. He had stood in his
corner a picture of confidence. His
smile seemed that of one who had a
brief and not unpleasant task before
him. He certainly was all set to go,
for just before time was called he was
heard to remark:
_ "Let's
get this thing over."
Attendance Disappointing.
_ He
measured the attendance, which
disappointed estimates by about 50
per cent, with an appraising eye.
_ Dempsey
presented a contrast.
None of the confidence of his training
camp statements appeared in his
bearing. The man across from him
outweighed him 40 pounds and looked
as big and impregnable as a metro-
politan bank building. The mood of
the challenger was plainly thoughtful
and more than one ringside gazer
whispered: "He's licked right now."
_ When
they were introduced, Jess
sauntered over with the cordial man-
ner of one desiring to reassure a
youngster and took his hands in the
friendliest way. Jack's handshake
was friendly, too, just then, but it was
the last token of friendship from
those gloves. A minute or so later
they were using Willard for a chop-
ping block and some in the crowd
were crying, "Stop it, it is plain mur-
First Effective Blows.
_ Dempsey's
first effective blows, and
the ones which apparently settled
Willard's fate, were a right over Jess'
shoulder to the jaw, a left to the body
and a right to the jaw. Jess stagger-
ed. His eye was closing and he reel-
ed, and the challenger, with all the
energy of his pulsing youth, began hit-
ting him at will.
_ The
attendance was below expecta-
tions. Seats were built for 80,000, and
the estimate was for not more than
half of these were occupied. Specu-
lators lost heavily. They resold their
tickets at anything from $5 to $15
under the gate prices. No betting was re-
ported at the ringside nor was there
much elsewhere, so far as could be as-
_ The
heat of the day was terrific, in-
tensified as it was by the vast acreage
of green lumber. During the prelimi-
nary bouts, which lasted from 11
o'clock till 2:30, a thermometer ex-
posed as were the spectators and
fighters, jumped to 120 degrees, which
was the limit of what the instrument
could record. it showed 110 degrees
when Willard and Dempsey entered
the ring.
Crowd Surges to Mat.
_ When
Dempsey was proclaimed
winner, the crowd surged on to the
mat in the wild scramble to shake the
hand of the new champion. At times
some of them toppled over on to the
telegraphers and reporters just below
who were struggling in the mad dis-
order to report what had happened.
Police eventually dispersed them by
hustling Dempsey away. Willard was
taken to an automobile and disap-
peared from view of the crowd which
then itself began the task of covering
the four miles from the arena to the
city as best they could, by street car,
automobile or on foot.
_ While
the passing of the heavy-
weight championship was one of the
most dramatic events of modern ring
history. It was lacking entirely in
high-class boxing. With the excep-
tion of the first three snappy jabs
with which Willard opened the con-
test, the combat was simply a series
of terrific drives and smashes, vir-
tually all of which were delivered by
_ The
first of these crashing swings
to land on Willard's jaw and body ap-
peared to completely daze and take
away from the title holder all power
to either protect himself or fight back
as had been expected by his admirers.
Whether he could have stood up bet-
ter under the battering of Dempsey a
few years ago will always be a mooted
question in the years to come when
today's battle is discussed. It cannot
be denied, however, that Willard was
in good physical condition and dis-
played gameness up to the moment
that his seconds persuaded him to
relinquish the championship to Demp-
Last Ounce of Resistance.
_ This
was demonstrated by the fact
that the Kansas giant received in nine
minutes of fighting time far more
punishment than did Jeffries at the
hands of Jack Johnson in their 15-
round bout at Reno, and yet was able
to respond to the bell had his seconds
been calloused enough to send him
again to the slaughter. Even after
the disastrous ending of the first
round, Willard flashed a momentary
comeback in the second, which for a
few seconds led to the belief among
his supporters that he would weather
the storm and carry the battle along
on even terms for a few sessions at
least. It was the last flicker of a
spirit which was stronger than the
flesh. Another sweeping right arm
smash that flew over Willard's shoul-
der and landed flush on his swollen,
bleeding jaw, took the last ounce of
resistance out of the giant and made
his own downfall a matter of but minutes.
_ An
analysis of the newly crowned
champion shows nothing new in his
fighting methods. He tore into his op-
ponent at top speed as has always
been his fighting custom and simply
battered his way to the pinnacle of
pugilism by the speed of his blows
and the overwhelming power that
traveled from the huge shoulder
muscles down through the brawny
arms and into the clinched fists ar-
mored with five-ounce gloves.
He made little or no attempt at de-
fensive work and not more than five
or six times during the nine minutes of
battling did he resort to foot work to
avoid Willard.
_ Once
the new canvas was stretched
there was little delay in bringing the
principals into the ring. Dempsey
appeared at 3:55 o'clock and Willard
a minute later. They were stripped,
ready for action, Willard wearing
short, tight-fitting blue worsted trunks
with an American flag belt, while
Dempsey wore short, loose trunks like
those of a sprinter.
_ During
the few preliminary details
both were covered with huge um-
brellas to keep the sun from their un-
covered heads.
_ At
9 minutes after four, the weak
gong, which later caused so much
confusion, clanged, and the battle was
ONE: Willard loomed up
like a Goliath against his five-inch
shorter David, and opened the en-
gagement by pumping his long left
twice into Dempsey's face with force
enough to make the latter blink. The
challenger missed a swing, and, slip-
ping into a clinch, landed three body
blows, with the free left hand, carry-
ing but little force. Willard had him
easily in a clinch and partly turning
him around, used his rapier-like left
again, once to the head and once to
the body after the break.
_ Then
Dempsey, as if he had got the
range, opened his heavy artillery and
swung a jarring left to the jaw, fol-
lowed by a right and left to the body.
The almost superhuman power of the
punches was immediately apparent.
A partly silly, partly stupid expres-
sion overspread the champion's face
and as he rocked on his heels, his
whole body quivered.
_ He
pulled himself together and, as
Dempsey crowded in again, shot a left
to the mouth and repeated to the eye.
The blows did not even cause his
youthful nemesis to hesitate, and
darting past the outstretched left as
it snapped for a third time, he
whipped over the right and left almost
simultaneously, the blows landing
flush on Willard's jaw and for the
first time in his championship career,
Willard was dropped to the floor. He
was up again at the count of six, only
to be sent to the canvas with another
right as he rose slowly to his feet,
the blood began to pour from his
_ He
turned away from his opponent,
who struck again twice with his
right, Willard falling on his hands and
knees. When he arose Dempsey
crowded him into a corner and with
a right and left to the face sent him
to the floor again. as he arose, a
fusillade of body blows dropped him
in a corner where he sat when the bell
terminated the round and led Demp-
sey to believe that Willard had been
counted out.
TWO: Dempsey started
where he left off and Willard with a
big cut under his eye, appeared to be
in a bad way. he managed to snap
a lefts to Dempsey's face and a puny
right uppercut to the chin. Demp-
sey replied with several body drives
and Willard fell partly through the
ropes. When he regained his feet he
stumbled into a clinch but Dempsey
easily tore loose and proceed to bat-
ter him almost at will, the champion
retaliating with but three feeble stabs
to the face during the malee. When
Willard went to his corner he fell
heavily into his chair and it was seen
that his right eye was completely
closed and that side of his face was
swollen entirely out of shape while
Dempsey was unmarked.
THREE: The final session
was simply a series of rapid fire
swings which fell on Willard's face
and body with pile-driving power
which left Willard completely help
less, as he staggered about the ring
and wobbled along the ropes utterly
unable to defend himself. Blood bub-
bled from his mouth with every gasp
for breath while the crowd about the
ringside began to yell to Referee
Pecord to stop it. Just as the bell
rang and Willard collapsed in his
chair he spat out a tooth and it was
seen that he was in bad condition. As
he sat lolling from side to side his
chief second, Walter Monahan, talked
earnestly to him and when Willard
nodded his head Monahan walked
over and spoke to Pecord. The ref-
eree threw up his hands and hurried
to Dempsey's corner. He gesticulated
in the uproar and finally pulled
Dempsey toward the center of the
ring before the new champion real-
ized that Willard's second had thrown
up the sponge. As soon as he grasp-
ed the situation he started for Wil-
lard's corner and the late title holder
arose and stepped weakly to meet
him. They shook hands and Willard
muttered something in reply to
Dempsey's remarks and the fight had
passed into history.
_ The
first statements of victor and
vanquished and the new champion's
manager, after the big fight, given
at ringside to a representative of the
Associated Press follow:
_ Willard
_ "In
the first round when Dempsey
hit me with a left hook, I tried hard
to continue, but I was rapidly losing
my strength. My eye closed at that
end of the third round and I realized
that it would be useless for
me to
continue, as I could hardly see. It was
hard to admit defeat, but
is the hardest puncher I ever faced."
_ Jack
Kearns, manager of the new
champion said:
_ "Jack
is a real champion. He knocked
Willard out twice. They gave us the fight
in the first round, then brought us back
with the bell and Jack got him again in
the third. Dempsey will be a popular
_ Dempsey
_ "I
told you I would knock him out in
the first round, and to all intents and
purposes that is what I did. He took a
lot of punishment in the next two rounds
but Willard was so bloody that I hated to
have to
hit him."
Happy He Is No Longer the
World's Champion.
"I Tried It Once
to Often," Was
Willard's Neighborhood
_ Toledo,
Ohio, July 4. - There is
one woman in Toledo tonight happy
because Jess Willard is no longer
world's heavyweight champion. She
is the wife of the vanquished title-
holder, and mother of his five chil-
dren. She left them at their home
in Lawrence, Kas., came to Toledo
unannounced last night, and with
Willard's attorney, occupied a seat
in the $50 section this afternoon,
while her husband was being bat-
tered to defeat. No one in the
huge crowd, except the champion
himself, knew she was there.
_ When
the bruised and battered
giant of the ring was brought to the
home he had occupied in Toledo's
exclusive residential district, Mrs.
Willard was there, eager to care
for his wounds. She put him on
a davenport and sat at his side, ap-
plying soothing iced cloths to his
closed eye.
_ Mrs.
Willard left the sun baked
arena after the towel was cast into
the ring at the start of the fourth
round, while the beaten champion
was taken to the Casino, his training
camp for a month, where he was
bathed and first aid given his in-
_ "I
am sorry that Jess was beat-
en, but I can truthfully say I am
happy that he's no longer champion,"
Mrs. Willard said. "It means, now,
that we shall be able to live in
peace. Jess will become a private
citizen again. It was the second
boxing contest I had ever witnessed
and I do not want to witness any
more. I shall be happy when I can
take Jess back home to our chil-
_ Although
the fight was over before
4:30 o'clock, Willard did not motor
to his home until an hour and a
half later. He said he did not re-
cover from the effects of the left
hook that Dempsey landed early in
the first round until perhaps an
hour after he left the ring.
_ "That
was the blow that started
me on defeat," Willard said. "I felt
physically able to continue but my
head wasn't clear and my eye was
closed and I realized it would have
been useless for me to attempt to
box while half blinded.
_ "Dempsey
is a remarkable hitter.
It was the first time that I had ever
been knocked off my feet. I have
sent many 'birds' home in the same
bruised condition that I am in and
now I know how they felt. I sin-
cerely wish Dempsey all of the luck
possible and hop that he garners
of the riches that go with the cham-
pionship. I have had my fling at
the title. I was champion for four
years. And I want to assure you
that they'll never have to give a
benefit for me. I have invested the
money I have made."
_ When
the beaten champion mo-
tored to his home with Ray O.
Archer, his business manager and
his sparring partners, the porches
adjoining the Willard house were
alive with women dabbing their
eyes with handkerchiefs.
_ "It
seems as if there has been a
death in the neighborhood," one of
them said.
_ "Well
I tried it once too often,"
was the greeting Willard gave
_ The
champion had a turkish tow-
el draped over his head to obscure
his bruised face. He does not ex-
pect to leave Toledo for three or
four days.
_ Tulsa,
Okla., July 4 - Harry Greb,
of Pittsburgh, gained a referee's de-
cision over Bill Brennan, of Chicago,
in a 15 round fight here this after-
_ Kansas
City, Mo., July 4. - Jeff
Smith, of New York, outpointed Mike
Gibbons, of St. Paul in a 10 round
boxing match today, according to the
news writers.
_ New
Orleans, July 4. - Pete Hartley,
of Boston, won a decision over Red
Dolan, of New Orleans at the end of
the fifth round of a scheduled 15
round boxing bout here late today
when Dolan refused to go another
round. The boxers are lightweights.
_ St.
Louis, July 4. - Harry Wills
won the newspaper decision over Sam
Langford in an 8 round open air bout
this afternoon.
Historic boxing newspapers and