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FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1927

Dempsey Beats Sharkey
Huge Crowd Cheers
Men in Big Battle

_ New York - Jack Dempsey defeated Jack
Sharkey before 80,000 persons at the Yankee's
ball park Thursday night. it was Dempsey's
first bout since he lost the world's champion-
ship to Gene Tunney last September.


_ New York - Skies as uncloud-
ed as the mild greenish eyes of
Tex Rickard curved over the
Yankee Stadium when the gates
were throw open late today to
admit the vanguard of 80,000
fans to the heavyweight fight be-
tween the two Jacks - Dempsey
and Sharkey.
_ The air was clear and pungent
with the tang of freshly sawed
timbers which stretched out over
the soil usually sacred to the
cleats of Babe Ruth.
_ Downtown at Madison Square
garden, Dempsey and Sharkey had
weighed in and had been pronounced
fit physically.
_ Dempsey stepped on the scales
first at 12:50 p.m. He weighed
194 1/2. At 1 p.m. Sharkey balanced
the beam at 196.
_ Dr. William H. Walker, physician
for the boxing commission, found
Dempsey not the perfect physical
specimen he was for the Firpo fight
because of a slightly increased blood
_ Neither did Sharkey look as fit as
when he weighed in for his Maloney
fight, Dr. Walker opined. He pro-
nounced both fighters, however, to
be in excellent shape.
_ Dempsey's chest measurements
were 39 normal, 43 extended; Shar-
key's 39 1/2 and 43 1/2.
_ Dempsey's blood pressure was 135
systolic and 85 diastolic; Sharkey's
128 and 90.
_ Dempsey was sullen, defiant and
long suffering during the examina-
tion and photographing; Sharkey
was cocky and talkative and was al-
most forcibly led away from admir-
ers to seclusion.
_ The fans' hearts were still with
Dempsey as the hour for his testing
drew near but their pocketbooks re-
mained on Sharkey.
_ Odds on Sharkey fluctuated
around 7 to 5, with little Dempsey
money in evidence on Wall St. or
_ Rickard's chief ticket seller, Joe
Boynton estimated the gate would
reach $1,050,000, about $200,000 short
of a complete sellout.

Jack Dempsey
Jack Dempsey
Jack Sharkey
Jack Sharkey
Dempsey's Estelle
Under Doc's Care

_ Los Angeles - Estelle Taylor,
motion picture actress wife of Jack
Dempsey, Thursday was under her
physician's orders to remain in her
rooms and not answer telephone
calls. The physician said her nerv-
ous condition wrought by her hus-
band's heavyweight battle Thursday
night was not serious but required
rest and quite seclusion.


Historic boxing newspapers and articles.