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and articles. Some of the
greatest boxing events
from the 1800's
through modern history.


_ On Monday last, a mill took place for twenty-five sovereigns, in a field in the parish of Grewell, a little village betwixt Waterend (an attractive spot, well known to some of the Pets of the Fancy) and Odiham, between a fancy Kid of Odiham, of the name of Thomas Stewart, and a Yokel, of the name of Harding (better known by the appellation of Hard'un, who, in the sequel, proved himself worthy of the name). The men, in point of weight, were nearly on par - Hard'un, however, having rather the advantage, and being the stronger man. The kid was superior in length and science. The latter was attended by a knight of the hod and a snob, the former by a Reading cove and a thorough-bred Grewallion. The fight excited considerable interest, and drew an immense number of spectators; The Kid being a favorite among the Fancy of Odiham, and Hard'un the boast of Grewell - betting, 5 to 2 on the kid.


_ Round 1. Little time was lost in sparring, when Hard'un made a desperate hit at the body; but the Kid was awake, and got away. Hard'un made another effort, which fell short; the kid went in, and nob'd his opponent, right and left, in good style, and left the marks of his fives on Hard'un's pbiz, and at length made him kiss his mother earth.
_ 2. The Kid looked collected, while Hard'un seeming impatient, made another effort at the Kid's body, but found him too leary; the Kid nob'd him in fine style, and again sent him to the grass.
_ 3. After a little ceremony, Hard'un tried again for his favorite hit, but it was well stopped. " 'twont do," said the Kid, with a smile, and peppered him again, right and left, on the left ogle. Hard'un fell, to avoid further punishment.
_ 4. The Kid came to the scratch smiling; Hard'un tried, with his superior strength, to break down the Kid's guard; but the Kid would not have it; an excellent rally followed when Hard'un caught the Kid by the hams* and threw him a complete back fall, for which he celebrated.
_ 5. Hard'un tried again for his favorite hit, "caught a tartar" from the Kid's left, and went down to avoid his right.
_ 6. Hard'un now made a rush, but caught it as he was coming in, closed, and from his superior strength, floored his opponent, but the Kid was decidedly the favorite.
_ 7. The Kid, finding he should not be able to do much at close fighting, owing to Hard'un's superior strength, and being in a fair way of closing his adversary's peepers, gave him to understand his intentions of so doing, and to show a little of his activity, caught him on the right ogle with his left, and retreated, Hard'un following, and receiving a severe smeller and touch on the ear, which sent him reeling.
_ 8. Hard'un's phiz now looked "beautiful" - it exhibited the various tints of the rainbow - while the Kid appeared as fair as a lily, and without a blemish. From this to the 21st round was in favor of the Kid - Hard'un made several attempts to gain his point, but they were fruitless, continually napping it on the phiz, till he became so metamorphosed as to be a fit subject for the corner of "Comicalities."
_ 22. This was an excellent round - Hard'un appeared regenerated, and came up with the vigor of a young elephant; he resolved to break down the Kid's guard, but 'twould not fit, and some good counter-hitting ensued, in which some severe blows which made him stagger: this blow was placed with such force were placed on each side, particularly one on Hard'un's cannister, as to break one of the Kid's fingers on his right hand, and dislocate his wrist. The round terminated with a close; the Kid got Hard'un's head in chancery, and fibbed him til both fell, Hard'un under.
_ 23. From this to the 27th round, Hard'un went down to avoid the punishment of the Kid's left hand, which he occasionally placed on his old sores.
_ 28. Hard'un still game, but nearly blind, made a rush, and for the first time caught the Kid on the nose; a rally ensued, in which Hard'un made his favorite hit, which was a prelude to worse for the Kid, and made him look very serious; this ended in a close, and both fell, rolling one over the other.
_ 29. Hard'un, finding his opponent seriously injured in the wrist and finger, availed himself of the opportunity of making the best of his play, and went in to finish his work in quick time. He was as fresh as a rose, but not quite so handsome; and made several desperate hits, but the Kid still kept them off, tho' weak. Hard'un got it on the conk, and went down.
_ 30. Hard'un pursued his former system, bored in, and caught the Kid on the side of the eye. The Kid returned the compliment with his left. In the close, the Kid was thrown, Hard'un falling on him.
_ 31 and 32. Hard'un scarcely able to see how to place a blow, but rushing in at a venture, met the two reelers.
_ 33, and last. The Kid weak, and right hand useless, went to the scratch, and fought rather wildly; Hard'un headstrong, although dreadfully mutilated, rushed in, caught the Kid twice on the ribs, with great force. Still the Kid kept his footing, while Hard'un caught a grounder. The Kid, feeling the severity of the two last blows, together with his disabled hand, now thought it most prudent, on time being called, to say "enough" - although, in point of punishment, Hard'un had the worst of it. The Grewailians bore their hero away, with the stakes, in triumph. The fight lasted forty-seven minutes.
_ * This, according to Broughton's Rules, was "foul," and the Kid ought to have been taken away. - EDITOR.

Fights To Come


March 18. - Dick Action and Jack Nicholls, 25L. a-side.
March 25. - Harry Jones and Bill Savage, 25L. a-side.
April 2. - Bob Castles and Paddy Flynn, 25L. a-side.
April 8. - Brown and Sampson, 250L. a-side, half way be-
tween Birmingham and Bridgenerth.
April 8. - Piefinch and Young Gas, 100L. a-side - same ring.
April 8. - Dobell and Baily, 100L. a-side.
April 14. - Ned Savage and Kirkman, 25 gs. to 25L.
April 15. - M'Carthy and Ballard, 25L. a-side.
April 29. - Ned Neal and Baldwin, 250L a-side.
May 27. - Jem Ward and Carter, 50L. a-side.

Bell's Life In London 1828

MARCH 16, 1828


Historic boxing newspapers and articles.